Rarity & Drop Rate
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Last updated
Drop Rate and Rarity are the fundamental concept that cannot be neglected, because it does affect the game in every means, which conveys specific advantages, or disadvantages among players.
Please read this page carefully, so that you won't miss any benefits or face any drawbacks
Regular Drop Rate and Pre-registration Drop Rate are not similar.
🔴 TSnake + TSnake
🟠 TSnake + TEgg
🟣 TSnake
🔵 TEgg
🟢 TPass or TPass+
⚪️ TCoin
TEgg & TSnake have different rarity and attribute. Here is the detailed context:
TEgg Rarity: 🔴 Artifact | 🟠 Legendary | 🟣 Epic | 🔵 Rare | 🟢 Uncommon | ⚪️ Common
TSnake Rarity: 🔴 Artifact | 🟠 Legendary | 🟣 Epic | 🔵 Rare | 🟢 Uncommon | ⚪️ Common
Please read this from left to right, not top to bottom.
This table indicates the drop rates of TSnake while hatching TEgg, based on the TEgg rarities.